Meet the brains behind the targets.
Larry Fell, CEO and Founder
Great athletes are born with ice water in their veins. For Larry, it was molten precious metal. Growing up in the family precious metal manufacturing and refining business, Larry learned from an early age to put the customer first. After rising to President, his relentless focus on customer service helped David H. Fell & Company earn a reputation for innovative products and a precise, transparent return on precious metal refining. In 2007, Larry seized an opportunity to bring this nimble, customer centric service to the design and manufacturing of precious metal sputtering targets. Today, DHF Technical Products is a recognized leader in the precious metal sputtering target industry. And Larry has more customers to put first than ever before.
Jody Kapadia, Controller and Vice President of Human Resources
The prices of gold, silver, platinum and palladium move every second yet Jody always manages to stay one step ahead of them. Which makes sense because she has spent over four decades in nearly every area of accounting, including almost ten years in the precious metal business. Jody has been chief accounting officer for innovative public companies, well-known private businesses and influential startups in the telecommunications, medical device and semiconductor industries. Her expertise in finance, and precious metals in particular, helps our customers get more sputtering target for their money. As Vice President of HR, Jody is also charged with hiring and training top people to help DHF move at the speed of the metals markets.
Marcel Anaya, President
Marcel is the straw that stirs the drink. Or, as we say in the precious metal business, the carbon graphite rod that stirs the molten gold. Marcel has dedicated over two decades of his career to the national and international sputtering target industry. He joined DHF Technical Products in 2010 as Vice President of Sales, presiding over unprecedented growth at the company. As President, he helped manage the design and building of our state-of-the-everything manufacturing facility in Rio Rancho, New Mexico. Marcel has never met a custom target he couldn’t reimagine. He’s a proud New Mexico native and knows all the best local breweries. Maybe it’s time for a visit?
Ed Wegener, Vice President of Sales
Ed has been a leader in the thin film business for over 30 years. He has launched start-ups, grown established companies and managed hundreds of employees for multi-million dollar firms in the vacuum coating industry. He has been in charge of operations, manufacturing, product development, innovation and sales for leading national and global companies. He is also a Society of Vacuum Coaters Past President. In short, Ed has done it all and continues to do it all, every day, night and weekend for DHF Technical Products. And he’s waiting for your call right now.
Danny Montes, Vice President of Operations
There isn’t an ocean within 800 miles of Rio Rancho. But that doesn’t prevent Danny from running the tightest ship in the precious metal sputtering target business. Danny has spent more than a quarter century in precious metal refining and manufacturing. He makes our custom targets more customizable. Our lean manufacturing leaner. Continuously improves our continuous improvement. And keeps every piece of our operations running on schedule. Which explains why our Rio Rancho factory isn’t just state-of-the-art. It’s state-of-the-everything.